EUCCD at the Summit of Professional fundraisers in Kyiv: negotiations with donors

EUCCD Project Management Officer Valeriya Honcharenko discussed with representatives of donor organizations potential sources of funding for projects in EUCCD priority areas:

  • water supply (through a memorandum with the State Agency of Water Resources);
  • rehabilitation of municipal infrastructure (through a memorandum with Zaporizhzhia City Council);
  • ukrainians abroad (through a memorandum with the Ministry of Reintegration)

The Summit of Professional Fundraisers “Helpers of Heroes” is the largest professional event of 2024. Participation in the event provided an opportunity to meet representatives of donor organizations in person, discuss possible sources of project funding, and share experiences with other NGOs.

The summit brought together representatives of: Office of the President, USAID Mission to Ukraine, U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, International Renaissance Foundation, European Endowment for Democracy, Serhiy Prytula Foundation, Come Back Alive Foundation, Tabletochki Foundation, Tvoia Opora Foundation, Center for Volunteering and Protection, and 30 other well-known speakers.

We thank the organizers for their hospitality and useful networking.

This event was made possible with the support of the Initiative for Sectoral Support to Civil Society of Ukraine, implemented by the Initiative for Sectoral Support to Civil Society of Ukraine in consortium with the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research (UCIPR) and the Center for Democracy and Rule of Law, thanks to the generous support of the American people, provided through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), as well as with the support of the Partnership for a Strong Ukraine Fund, funded by partner countries, and with the informational support of the publication “Ukrainian Pravda”.

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